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Meet: Kaylie Lynn

This image of Kaylie Lynn is an ai generated face and is not a real person. E.A. Logan used and then ran the photo through a painting filter
Kaylie Lynn

At the beginning of Odeum, we meet Kaylie, an aspiring actress working at a local theater in a town in Indiana. At the time she is introduced in the story, she has been working at the theater for a couple of years and has a well-established relationship with those around her. She is preparing for the part of Christine in the Phantom of the Opera and is less than excited about going to the dress rehearsals.

At the start of the book, Kaylie is 20 years old and from a small town in Michigan. She spent her childhood and teen years in structured classes for music, acting, dance, and voice, essentially alienating her from her parents and family. While her parents had financially provided for her as she was growing up, they ultimately gave little emotional support, leaving Kaylie to thrive off of the response from audiences that she would receive from recitals, plays, and other shows. Kaylie shows a lack of introspection and a great deal of simplicity in her character early on, but as Kaylie experiences conflict within Odeum and The Keeper, a great deal of growth can be seen.

Read the first two books of the Odeum series to know more about Kaylie.

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